Hi, I'm Dave, and it's more than a concoction!
It all started while I was working at a non-profit in Philadelphia. I’ve always been fascinated with the chemistry of a balanced cocktail. So when I was challenged to make a cocktail out of ketchup for one of their fundraisers, my first concoction was born! I quickly began studying (and drinking) with some of the best bartenders in the area. They created great balanced cocktails and were willing to mentor me on how I could make balanced cocktails as well.
Thank you Bryce, Katrina, Josh, and James for allowing me to be your apprentice. Cheers!
After experimenting with home-made cocktails, I began sharing these with friends, family, and anyone else interested in tasting my experiments and asked for feedback. In 2020, thanks to Covid, we no longer experimented in person. So, I started the YouTube Channel Boozing with Boomers* to share my learnings and recipes with my friends and a wider (homebound) audience. As the pandemic lifted in 2022, I woke up on Groundhog Day, decided to stop doing the same thing over and over again, and officially launched Dave’s Concoctions! So now I am able to bring bar-quality cocktails to your home! And did I mention that proceeds from every concoction go to help a charity in the West Chester PA region? Pretty refreshing idea, don't you think.
Our Neck of the Woods
My wife, Lee, and I have lived, eaten and imbibed in West Chester for more than half our lives. We’ve raised two cocktail loving sons, and in that time, have witnessed West Chester grow into a great food and cocktail town. This is same town where I met my mentors that helped me along in my journey to make great, balanced cocktails (and now mocktail and cocktail mixers!).
What’s Our secret?
We only use premium, all-natural ingredients and source them locally.
And don’t worry - we try out every recipe on discerning tasters until we get it just right!